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Tutorial on How to Request IRS Installment Payments

Jan 15, 2025

As the tax payment deadline approaches, it's essential to explore the available payment methods. Instead of paying the full amount upfront, you can opt to request an installment plan from the Tax Administration. Your request will be reviewed and decided upon.
This online request can be initiated through your Finances Portal. If your IRS debt is under €5,000, follow these steps:

Log in to the Finance Portal using your NIF number and password. Search for "Prestações" (installments) and select "Planos prestacionais" (installment plan). Choose "Simular/Registar Pedido" (simulate/make request) and select the IRS assessment you wish to pay in installments. Then click "Simular". Choose the condition "Sem apresentação de garantia" (without presenting collateral) and click "Confirmar" (confirm). Select the number of installments.Under "Razão Económica" (economic reason), state the reason for the request. In the field "Justificação do motivo indicado anteriormente" (justification for the reason indicated above), provide a brief explanation in Portuguese. 

Finally, click "Registar o pedido" (submit the request). If your debt exceeds €5,000 but can still be paid within 12 months, no collateral is required. Alternatively, you can make partial payments to reduce the debt to €5,000 and then proceed with the installment plan, which can extend up to 36 months.

If you can't adhere to these terms, and need an extended time to pay, you must present collateral along with your installment plan request. This collateral can be in the form of a bank guarantee, real estate, mortgage, or shares:
a)bank guarantee or guarantee from an institution legally authorized to provide it.

b) Surety bond or collateral issued by legally authorized insurance institutions

c) Mortgage. The guarantee should be provided for the amount of the debt and default interest, counting up to the date of the application, plus 25% of the sum of those amounts.

To proceed with this request, follow the same steps in the Portal. After selecting "Simular/Registar Pedido," indicate the type of collateral you intend to present, and then specify the number of installments.

After submitting the request, send a copy of the collateral to the Tax Office through e-balcão. You have 15 days to provide the original guarantee document to the Tax Office where you are registered.

To find out your competent Tax Office, log in to your Finances Portal, select the "Posição Integrada" (integrated position) option under My Area, and click "Dados Gerais de Identificação" (General Identification Data). There, you will find your competent Finance Service code.

Lastly, note that even if your debt is under €5,000 and no collateral is required, your request will be accepted only if you've met two additional requirements: timely submission of the declaration and absence of any other tax debt with the Portuguese Tax Authority.

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